dimecres, 17 de febrer del 2010


                                          The green group is the vegetables group.
                      The purple group is the meat and fish group.

The blue group is the milk products group.
The yellow group is the oils and fats group.

The red group is the fruit group
The orange group is the cereals group

dimarts, 16 de febrer del 2010

divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010



dijous, 11 de febrer del 2010

At the Shop ( dialogue)

We have started to learn words in English related to the topic Food in 2nd year of Primary Education. Núria and Sandra ( 4th year Primary) have performed a role play for us.

A 2on estam estudiant paraules relacionades amb el tema del menjar. Na Núria i na Sandra ( de 4t) han representat un diàleg sobre el tema per als fillets de 2n. En les pròximes setmanes nosaltres també farem diàlegs.

Gràcies a na Sandra i na Núria per brindar-se a fer el role play!


Healthy eating is very important for children and adults.

We have to eat food from all the food groups.

In your lunch and dinner you have to include vegetables, cereals and meat/fish.

For dessert eat a fruit or a milk product.

REMEMBER! Five-a-day of fruit and vegatables.


You have to eat five times a day: breakfast, break, lunch, snack and dinner.

dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2010

Incy Wincy Spider

Aquesta setmana els fillets de 5 anys hem après aquesta canço a anglès-